
SueYeon Chung PhD
Principle Investigator
SueYeon received her PhD in Physics at Harvard University and B.A. in Mathematics and Physics at Cornell University. She is currently an assistant professor at NYU Center for Neural Science and a group leader at Flatiron Institute Center for Computational Neuroscience.
Post Doctoral
Jenelle received her PhD from MIT in Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and S.B. from MIT in Physics and Brain and Cognitive Sciences. She is currently a research fellow at Flatiron Institute Center for Computational Neuroscience.
Post Doctoral
Abdul received his PhD from Harvard University in Physics, B.Sc. from Sabanci University in Electronics Engineering and Physics. He is currently a research fellow at Flatiron Institute Center for Computational Neuroscience, interested in the intersection of machine learning and neuroscience.
Chi-Ning Chou PhD
Post Doctoral
Chi-Ning is a Flatiron Research Fellow in Professor SueYeon Chung group at the Flatiron Institute. He earned his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 2023 Spring, advised by Professor Boaz Barak. Currently he focuses on developing frameworks and quantitative methodologies for building up computational understandings of the brain at the neural population level.
Sonica Saraf
PhD Student (Co-advised)
Sonica is interested in the neural circuitry underlying our visual abilities and how neural tuning properties shape population-level geometry in early visual areas. She uses experimental approaches (neurophysiology in macaques), mathematical derivations, and simulations to study these questions. Outside of work, she loves to explore different neighborhoods of NYC and practice yoga.
Isballa Rischall
PhD Student (Co-advised)
Isabella is from Minnesota, and did undergrad at Northwestern University in Chicago. She studied biomedical engineering and integrated sciences, with a minor in philosophy. After graduating, she worked in the Gottlieb group at Columbia University and studied human information seeking behaviors. She is now a first year graduate student in NYU's Center for Neural Science. Outside of science, she has participated in drug policy and harm reduction activism, and loves to hang out with her dog!
Jose Hurtado
PhD Student (Co-advised)
Jose is interested in how the hippocampus, a well characterized brain region involved in episodic memory, integrates information from different modalities (spatial,temporal,contextual) to paint a flexible picture of the present and past world. Currently, he is exploring how manifold representations may help differentiate contexts during spatial navigation.
Will Slatton
PhD Student
Will received his BS in Mathematics and BA in Neuroscience from Rice University. He is now working on his Neuroscience PhD at NYU, where he is broadly interested in computational neuroscience.
Artem Kirsanov
PhD Student
Artem received his B.S. in biophysics from Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is currently a graduate student at NYU’s Center for Neural Science. Artem’s research lies at the intersection of neuroscience and AI. His primary interest is in understanding how the geometry of internal representations gets reorganized to support multiple computational tasks.
Hang Le
Research Analyst
Hang received her B.S. and M.Eng in Computation and Cognition from MIT. She formerly worked at MIT McGovern Brain Institute as a research assistant and then at as a data scientist. She is interested in the intersection between neuroscience and artificial intelligence, especially biologically plausible learning algorithms. In her free time, she enjoys running, reading and playing badminton.
Luke Arend
Rotational Student
Luke received his B.S. in Physics and B.A. in Philosophy at Bethel University. He formerly worked at the JHU Lab for Computational Sensing + Robotics, MIT Center for Brain & Cognitive Science, and as a data scientist at SAIVA AI. He is currently a graduate student at the NYU Center for Neural Science.

Guest Researchers

Albert Wakhloo
Guest Researcher
Albert Wakhloo is a post baccalaureate volunteer in the NeuroAI and Geometric Data Analysis Group and a research assistant at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. He is interested in theoretical neuroscience and computational cognitive science and is planning to pursue a Ph.D. in neuroscience.
